Thursday, January 23, 2025


Movie: Wicked

Running Time: 2:40 (2:40 for Part 1! And still nominated for editing?)

Nominated for: Best Picture, Actress, Supporting Actress, Costumes, Editing, Make Up & Hair, Score, Production Design, Sound, Visual Effects

How I watched: AMC A List

When it had me: Cynthia Erivo

When it lost me: Immediately

What systems does it challenge: I think rather it enforces systems of oppression.


Let me start with a fact about me: I love witches! And they always get done dirty in movies. For a movie like Wicked, you think maybe it will be different but IT IS NOT DIFFERENT!

This movie is 88% POPULAR on Rotten Tomatoes, so I know it is doing something right but that something remains confusifying for me. It is possible for me to like musicals but it is also rare. I think I'm missing a gene with which most Theatre Arts majors come equipped. Rather than joyful romps they read as depressingly empty distractifications.

Let's talk about something great. Cynthia Erivo! She sparkles in every way. Her acting is perfect, her singing is transcendent. The costuming, which is top notch throughout, hits its absolute zenith with the designs for Elfaba. At least the costume designers love witches as much as I do. I did connect to her and I longed for her to have absolutely anything good happen to her. And I was disappointified!

Nearly three hours of watching her explain her appearance, be shunned and marginalized in everything, be bullied and manipulated in the worst ways by everyone around her, including her own vision for her future. Possible mentors, friends, loves are all paraded before her giving her hope that I know is false. What a despondiary downer.

Ariana Grande looked glowing and magical but am I supposed to like her a little bit? Because I just hated her one note-ness the whole time. Even when she got a half percent nicer, I didn't feel it was genuine or deep. She did a fine job with songs but nowhere near Kristin Chenowith (I haven't seen the stage production, but I know what she can do.)

As the story moves forward, I want to see Elfie experience joy and do some good. She is the ONLY empathetic, kind, intelligent or magical character in the whole detestifiable world. But in Part One this definitely felt like a warning. Don't be different, don't stand out, don't be too much or too green because no good will come of it. Whatever good she accomplishes it better be next level, because I already know she will die for it. I don't need more admonitions to conform, Wicked. I'm good.

I honestly DID NOT know how to have fun watching this movie but I know SO MANY people did and I'm happy that this was an event moment for fans and now it's getting the recognition that they think it deserves.

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