Wednesday, February 28, 2024

The Teachers' Lounge

Movie: The Teachers' Lounge

Running Times: 1:38

Nominated for: International Feature

How I watched: Laemmle

When it had me: A teacher fighting for student rights

When it lost me: Not until the end

What systems does it challenge: Good question

This movie was an interesting look at trust and discipline. It moved along at a really nice clip and the acting was really good. In it a school is struggling with a theft problem and keeps finding out that catching a criminal sometimes impacts the rights of everyone else.

The struggle is between following a strict "zero tolerance" policy versus using a more nuanced approach that allows you to center your primary objective: benefiting the community.

I was really interested in following where the twists and turns would take me until the end when some of the behavior of characters seemed to get exaggerated beyond what was believable. It spun out a bit and didn't leave me feeling satisfied. Still, it gave me a lot to think about, so I'll credit it for that.

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