Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Hacksaw Ridge

Hacksaw Ridge was another very interesting true story that deserves to be told. It was the way the story was told that I didn't entirely love.

First of all, the music was killing me. All through the movie it was right up in my face telling me how to feel. Too much.

Secondly, it had a kind of hokey, overly simplistic feel to it that made it seem completely unreal even though it was a true story.

I imagine that the real Desmond Doss probably presented himself as very simple and straight forward. That seems right and feels true, so I can understand why that style was chosen. But his story is one of a very complex and conflicted human being. Raised by an abusive war veteran he experiences two violent episodes that change him forever. First, as a boy he nearly kills his brother in a fight that their father is practically urging them on through. And secondly he intervenes in a horrible domestic violence dispute between his parents and narrowly chooses to not shoot his own father. These, coupled with his religious beliefs, are the motivating factors behind him choosing to never kill or pick up a gun again.

So to have scenes where it practically feels like he ought to have a Disney animated bird on his shoulder made me feel like they are painting with a broad stroke and not honoring the whole truth of his complexity.

Style deductions aside, this is a truly fascinating story. Doss goes on to be a conscientious objector and the only non-combatant medic to be on the front lines of WWII. He is the very definition of a hero, single handedly saving an unbelievable amount of men in the midst of one of the most horrifying battles you can imagine. I'm very glad I got to learn of his story.

A quick aside: his father comes to speak on his behalf at a hearing and dresses in his WWI uniform to attend. When he walks in, the judge exclaims, "That's a Great War uniform!" He is of course referring to WWI, which they called The Great War. But I heard, "That is a GREAT war uniform!" as if he were being complimented on his fashion and here I am, five days later, still giggling my head off about it! I just never know what will stick with me when I set out on this adventure!

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