Sunday, February 24, 2019

Last Review: Border

With this last review, I have achieved gluttonous excellence by watching and (somewhat) reviewing every film nominated for the 2019 Oscars!!!!!!! Huzzah!!!!

And what a film to finish on!

Movie: Border
Nominated for: Best Make up and Hair
How I watched: Amazon Rental
When I fell asleep: I did fight heavy eyelids for a few minutes which is really difficult with a subtitled movie.
When it had me: The constant state of "What is happening?"
When it lost me: Changeling babies and other-worldly genitalia
What I have to say: This movie was so weird, like a mystery and car crash you can't look away from and a fever dream all wrapped into one. It is so fun when you watch something with a slack jaw and no idea of what to expect but you are still trying and they are giving you just enough to keep you interested. If you might want to see a bizarre fantasy/horror/drama please go watch this movie. If not, PLEASE read my spoiler filled recap run-on sentence below. PLEASE.


So we are watching this movie about an unattractive woman and she can also smell when people are smuggling things into the country so she meets another disfigured sort of person and orders a strip search but then he is a woman but then also he is a man and then she works with the police to sniff out bad guys and her new friend eats maggots and also foxes and moose are very comfortable approaching her when she goes for walks so her new friend moves in and both of them used to have tails and they get together and do....something I have never seen before....that is very intimate.... and then he says, "btw, we are trolls," and  she is like, "that makes sense" and they decide to go away together but he is the bad guy she is helping the police find so she stays home and starts living in the woods and he ships her a troll baby. The End.

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