Saturday, February 15, 2014

Finally, Something Interesting!

The Foreign film category has provided two of the most interesting flicks I have watched so far this season.

The Hunt, from Denmark, is the story of a man accused of inappropriate behavior with a preschool child and how these allegations impact him, the victim, and the entire community.  This story was laid out neatly, well-acted and its contained drama and suspense gave the viewer lots of opportunities to ponder, "What would I do, if..."  Also, when the characters behaved stupidly, it was a relief to realize that America does not have a monopoly on boorish behavior!

The Great Beauty, from Italy, is about a man side-tracked from his writing career by the decadent "high life" of Rome.  From the bacchanalian rooftop parties to the quiet, manicured convent gardens, this film provides the contrasting textures and rhythms of life in Rome. You will pine for this lifestyle in one moment and revile it the next, scoffing at life's hypocrisies and then mourning its fragility.  I was thoroughly seduced by this film making; entertained, inspired and swept away.

I wish I could get a shot at the other Foreign nominees this year but they often don't get a release date until after the Oscars have aired.

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