Wednesday, February 12, 2014

I'm viewing as fast as I can!

This Oscar gluttony is a delicate dance! 

-Two times this week I have managed to hit the final showing of a nominated film within a 40 mile radius of home. 

-I have seen half of Philomena (after receiving a text that my daughter was feeling ill) and must somehow see the second half before it gets pushed out by more current films.

-There remains NO info on when or where the Oscar Nominated Short Films will be screening.  My Bay Area friends have already had a shot at them, but Southern California? Nope.

-And I have been late to pick up my children at school twice because of movies running later than I had planned (One theatre started the film twenty minutes late!  What???)

That being said, I am three rentals and four screenings away from meeting my goal (as well as I can, anyway.)

I just didn't want any of you to labor under the delusion that my charmed and glamorous life is effortless.  Oh no, people, being this crazy takes work!

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