Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Selma - Best Picture

Ava DuVerney delivered some cinematic gut punches in Selma. What a beautiful thing to experience. You can put me firmly in the "Selma got robbed" camp. The acting was strong throughout, the story was well crafted, the shots were well composed, the pacing kept me riveted for the whole time despite the more than two hour running time. Consider me a fan. You can certainly argue that her subject matter was an automatic home run, but at least she didn't squander it.

I learned things watching this film, and I love learning things. I learned facts, I learned perspectives and I learned emotional truths. I was ministered to about the glory and the gravity of self sacrifice and came away questioning the role of faith in my own life. Holy crap!  This was a GOOD movie.

Selma managed to lead me through all of these feelings and musings without taking cheap shots at my emotions. The material was handled with the right amount of respect and restraint for my taste. And it even managed to end on enough of a high note that I was able to walk out of the theatre, rather than lay across the seats and sob for twenty minutes, for which I am grateful. I am sad that this film didn't receive more nominations, but I am certainly happy that it got put on my viewing list this year.

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