Thursday, January 15, 2015

The New Nominations Are Here!

I just leaped from bed at 6:00am and ran to the computer to read the news! It is Oscar Nomination Day!

Ok, in fairness, it wasn't a leap, but it sure felt youthful and exuberant, nonetheless.

What matters here is that I'm really excited to have a new batch of films to obsess over. And my  fans are too!  They have been clamoring for my vital info on all the "top" movies of the year!

Ok, it was really just Vanessa, this way cool artist mom, that was nice enough to ask me a polite question about The Oscar Glutton Blog. But who knew that anyone even remembered that I have a blog? I didn't know that!

So here is a link of the film nominations for this year. I have already seen nine of the nominated films out of a total of 59. This should be a piece of cake! Also, they look like a fairly decent batch of movies. My biggest dread right now is Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, so that's not too bad. And I've already seen Boyhood, so I've got the winning movie covered! Oops, SPOILER ALERT! (Just kidding, no one could know that. But we all know that already, right?)

What a joyous time! Join me as I retreat from the warmth of loved ones, in favor of the cold glow of a screen, big or small. The scent of stale popcorn will fill the air! I may even get a stale popcorn candle for my home. (They sell that, right?) I will waste life's most precious resources; time, money and brain space in the earnest endeavor to see every nominated movie! All for what? For fun, that's what! (Also for Vanessa. For fun, and for Vanessa!)

Happy Oscar Season, everyone!

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