Wednesday, February 21, 2018

A Mish Mash of Movies!

Movie: The Square
Nominated for: Best Foreign Film
How I watched: Movie Pass!
When I fell asleep: Nope.
Thoughts: Funny, great acting, great social commentary. Thoroughly enjoyable! Foreign films, naturally tend to make the viewer work a little harder. At the end the guy sitting nest to me threw up his hands in exasperation. I know what he meant. It felt abrupt and lacking closure but it left me to ruminate and decide for myself what was really important. The Square seems to ask us how far we need to go in order to get other people's attention. Whether we need help or just have something important to say, how difficult is it in today's noisy fast-paced environment to actually get attention when you need it. I decided I liked this movie a lot; I hope the guy sitting next to me did too.

Movie: Molly's Game
Nominated for: Screenplay
How I watched: In the theatre
When I fell asleep: A couple of head nods, didn't miss much.
Thoughts:  This one is what you expect from Aaron Sorkin without the heft that his stories usually have. It's his first directing effort and it shows. The story is engaging, the acting is great, everyone talks like Aaaron Sorkin but it feels a little less cohesive than usual. I really enjoyed watching it and then completely forgot about it after I left the theatre.

Movie: Logan
Nominated for: Screenplay
How I watched: Theatre, ages ago!
When I fell asleep: Can't recall, but probably.
Thoughts: I don't know what to say about this one. I wasn't a fan of the X Men movies in the first place and this one didn't change all of that for me, but it wasn't awful. I realize that's not a great review but I'm not trying to pan it! I know that the look and feel of this was different and better than the others that take place in this world. I'm sure that was partly writing and partly direction. Other than that, I just saw it too long ago to really remember it well.

Movie: Baby Driver
Nominated for: Editing, Sound Mixing, Sound Editing
How I watched: Redbox
When I fell asleep: I don't think so.
Thoughts: This movie got built up a little too much for me. People were raving over it, which is always a bad way for me to go in. It was cute. That's the best I can do. It's nomination categories make perfect sense. The cutting of the action to match up music and action was ambitious and well done! The characters were broadly drawn and their motivations didn't really line up for me. But it's a good time, I guess.

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