Friday, February 2, 2018

These Are Some of My Favorites! I Hope You Enjoy!

Movie: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Nominated for: Music, Sound Mixing, Sound Editing, Visual FX
How I watched: In the theatre! Three times!
When I fell asleep: No way!
Thoughts: So much love for this movie! Incredible writing and incredible vision. How nuts can I be for a scene that brings together to unlikely powerful foes to fight a common enemy? Really nuts! It takes my breath away every time. How much do I love a turn so momentous that the movie goes silent and you can hear the gasps of the audience? It's the greatest! How cool is red dust thrown up against a white landscape? All the cool! Despite its oddities, I am going to continue to love this movie every darn time!

Movie: Get Out
Nominated for: Best Picture, Directing, Actor
How I watched: At the movies! Twice!
When I fell asleep: Never!
Thoughts: This movie is special to me. This move entertained me and terrified me and made me think and made me laugh and made me cheer. This movie felt like it was hitting the exact right note with the exact right tone every single second of its entirety. That is so rare! And I cherish it when it happens for me! How badass to get a horror film noticed by the Academy? It probably makes both the movie and Jordan Peele a long shot to actually win, but I am so glad to see it recognized!

Movie: The Big Sick
Nominated for: Writing
How I watched: In the theatre
When I fell asleep: Not even!
Thoughts: What a treat this film was! You can't get stranger than real life sometimes and that is proved by this amazing rendition of Kumail Nanjiani's real life beginning to romance with his wife. What I loved was how they nail all those cringe-worthy moments, all the awkwardness and all the times that we do not know what to say or do in a given situation. All the acting is wonderful; from the leads and especially from Holly Hunter and Ray Romano! I felt good and I felt good about feeling bad watching this movie!

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