Sunday, February 11, 2018

A Week of Sick. Bleh.

So my whole family got the flu (yes, we got flu shots). One child got sick on Monday, the second and the husband on Tuesday, and me on Wednesday. Needless to say, I'm falling behind on blogging and reviewing but not watching! I'm still all over this challenge!

Here's what I managed while sick and attending sick people:

Monday -  While my first child settled in and started to get a fever, my friends and I watched Phantom Thread. That evening, once the  kids were in bed, we watched Icarus on Netflix.

Movie: Phantom Thread
Nominated for: Best Picture, Actors, Costumes, Directing, Music
When I fell asleep: Nope
Thoughts: This movie was a trip! Weird and twisted and unique and kept me guessing, for sure. The acting was amazing and the mood was just disturbing enough for my liking. I really enjoyed spending an afternoon with this story!

Movie: Icarus
Nominated for: Best Documentary
How I watched: Netflix
When I fell asleep: I nodded off solidly twice in the second act, but was able to wake up and get back into it.
Thoughts: It was interesting that this doc was planned to be one thing and evolved into a bigger more ground breaking story. However, that same fact made the doc feel long and wandering at times.  I wish fit felt more focused. That being said, this is kind of an incredible look at an international controversy unfolding. 

Tuesday - I watched On Body and Soul in ten minute pieces in between fetching water, medicine and toast for my three sick people!

Movie: On Body and Soul
Nominated for: Best Foreign Film
How I watched: Netflix, ten minutes at a time
When I fell asleep: Too many interruptions for sleep!
Thoughts:  Weird and wonderful! A film about mere acquaintances who find out they are dreaming the same dreams. This looks at what constitutes attraction and connection in humans in some really beautiful ways. Set amongst a gruesome slaughterhouse and with a slight mystery, this movie was captivating and original.

Thursday - After napping through part of the afternoon, I stayed up a little late to watch Strong Island.

Movie: Strong Island
Nominated for: Best Documentary
How I watched: Netflix
When I fell asleep: Once about halfway through, had to rewind to pick up about 15 minutes
Thoughts: What is set up as a crime mystery or statement on racism turns out to be more of an emotional expression of one family's tragic experience. While I don't object to that as an approach to documentary, I was left wanting. Questions were brought up that were never again addressed and the narrative wandered erratically between political, personal, factual and anecdotal. This one didn't capture me in the way I had hoped.

Saturday - While folding laundry and feeling sorry for myself, the kids and I watched Kong: Skull Island.

Movie: Kong: Skull Island
Nominated for: Visual Effects
How I watched: HBO
When I fell asleep: Kong wouldn't allow it
Thoughts: This was fun for an afternoon of being stuck in your house with illness! John C. Reilly is so damn funny he pretty much made the whole movie for me. The action kept a nice pace, the monsters were impressive and the acting was great for what this was. My expectations were set very low and I was pleasantly surprised.

Sunday - Ok, so technically I woke up still feeling achy and sweating profusely. But my thermometer said I was only at 99.5 so I decided to go to the movies anyway. I kept my hands clean and coughed into my elbow, I promise. I watched the Documentary Short Subjects. Here is what I learned from each:

Edith + Eddie: Some people just won't let cute old people live out their lives the way they want.

Heaven is a Traffic Jam on the 405: Mental Illness is heart breaking, it takes a lot of courage to have your story told, and art can be transformative and life saving.

Heroin(e): The city with the biggest problem of drug overdose is working hard to respond to the epidemic by treating addicts as humans that deserve their lives as much as everyone else.

Knife Skills: A high end Cleveland restaurant hires and trains a staff made up entirely of recent prison inmates. I want to go there!

Traffic Stop: It is hard to feel on the side of the police when you see them brutalizing an innocent black American. For me, anyway. I kind of wish we all felt that way.

Here's hoping we all get back to 100% soon!

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