Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Richard Jewel, To Watch or Not to Watch?

Movie: Richard Jewel
Nominated for: Actress in a Supporting Role
How I watched: Under Protest, at gunpoint, with an attitude
When I fell asleep: Early and often!
When it had me: For the brief moment I pictured Richard Jewel as a Chris Farley character
When it lost me: in development, in the writing, in pre-production and during the trailer
What I have to say: Ugh! I have this huge feud with Clint Eastwood and he doesn't even know about it. We've been fighting since Unforgiven, which I hated and everyone else loved. He made one amazing movie in Mystic River and then screwed it up with a weird tacked on scene at the end. He's cranky and old and should stop making movies about him having threesomes with younger women (see The Mule, or do what I'm doing and AVOID that one too!)
When I saw the trailer for Richard Jewel, I got a queasy feeling in my stomach. The line about how the FBI and the media are the two most powerful entities in America and they conspire to destroy people with fake news felt way too on the nose for me. I did not want to watch a Trump propaganda film. Then I read about how he made up the part about the female reporter sleeping with dudes in order to get a story and how she is dead now so she can't refute his unfounded plot point but every one of her former colleagues has said that it is patently untrue and I felt even less like I wanted to see it. I actually decided to boycott it and then accidentally found someone with a screener so I could watch it for free. In the end, my rampant completionism won out and I decided to watch it.
So we turned it on and I promptly fell asleep. My body kept my original agreement and set me free from an onerous task. 
Before and in between my napping, I got the feeling that it wasn't really shoving an agenda in my face as much as it felt like in the trailer. It wasn't awful, it also didn't look any better than average. Kathy Bates, who is nominated, is good because she is always good. I've also seen her in much better roles.
As always, I'd like to apologize to any Clint Eastwood fans who may read this. I'm glad there is someone making movies you like even though I don't personally find joy in them. Please, go in peace!

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