Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Nomination Day: Celebrating TEN years of Gluttony!

(Autumn makes her way to the stage)

A: I can't believe this is year number ten of The Oscar Glutton! 

(pause for applause)

A: Oh, wow. These lights are so bright and I'm freaking out!

(screams, hoisting statuette of giant fork into the air, holds for laughter)

A: But seriously, a project like this is a real labor of love. I love movies. I've worked as a Film Editor, I've dabbled in screenwriting but most of all, I'm a huge consumer of popcorn. 


A: Thank you.

To celebrate 10 years, I have designed a new logo this year!

(uproarious applause)

A: Right?

You know, I'm not interested in whether The Oscars "get it right". No one can name the single best movie of any time or genre or year. But each year The Academy holds a party and Hollywood gets dressed up and we take a little snapshot of the pulse of the makers in the moment. And about 10 years ago I got really hyper-focused.

If you are like me, hyper-focus is VERY satisfying. I set myself a little short term goal and I get a huge adrenaline rush. Look at me! I'm practically vibrating with energy!

(holds up a hand that looks like one of those "I used to be healthy but after one shot of Pfizer, I look like this" videos, gasps from the audience)

A: No, its ok! I'm fine! 

I want to thank those that made this possible! My kids who watch a lot of crap they wouldn't normally choose. My husband who not only watches things but also has to live with the manic energy for a couple of months. My friends who loan me screeners, join me at movies, and generally get sucked into the challenge. The Laemmle and Landmark Theatres who screen the things I need to see. Netflix and Prime for letting me cover so much from my couch! And my readers! It's so nice having readers! (If you read, comment here or on facebook so I can see you there!) It's a group effort!

(audience is losing interest)

A: I've been pre-gaming movies so I've seen 7 of the 10 Best Picture nominees (hooray!) And I have seen 13 of the 42 overall nominated films (gulp! oh sh*t, why do I do this again?)

A: I'm just really excited to dive into another year of sometimes sublime and often utterly meh movies just for the satisfaction of crossing off every item on an arbitrary list! The full list of nominations is here. If anyone wants to join me, my limo is big enough for all and it's parked right outside! Let's be gluttons together!

(music swells)

A: Oh, sh*t! They are playing me off! Thank you, everyone!

(Trips on dress and lip skids off the stage, thunderous applause)

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