Sunday, March 4, 2018

That's a Wrap!

I can't believe I thought about not doing the challenge this year! I managed to see every nominee in every category! My first time getting through 100% of the nominees!

Since I just picked up the last nominee today, here's my review: The Breadwinner had beautiful animation and it was super hard to watch how the Taliban tears families apart. Ok, done! Whew!

How can I best recap my adventure?

I love the Movie Pass...I recommend you look into it if you are likely to watch one movie in the theatres per month. That membership saved me so much money this month!

I ate a lot less popcorn this year after my Ferdinand binging mishap. I also slept through sizable chunks of more films this year; whether it was due to a busy schedule or old age setting in, only time will tell.

I love just showing up for a movie that I know nothing about and settling in for the ride. I should do that at other times during the year, as well.

I hope the staff of the Laemmle Theatre doesn't get too concerned about me when I stop showing up several times a week...maybe I should send word that I'm ok?

Now there's nothing left but to set up camp on the couch and watch hours of Oscar coverage and cheer on Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway to finally get it right this year!

I am going to declare my favorites in every category now. DO NOT use this for your Oscar polls! I am always wrong.

Actor, Leading: Gary Oldman, Darkest Hour
Actor Supporting: Sam Rockwell, Three Billboards
Actress, Leading: Frances McDormand, Three Billboards
Actress, Supporting: Allison Janney, I, Tonya
Animated Feature: Coco
Cinematography: Bladerunner 2049 and Darkest Hour, tied.
Costumes: No opinion. But one woman, Jacqueline Durran is nominated for TWO of these spots! I think she needs to share.
Directing: Jordan Peele, Get Out
Documentary: Faces Places
Documentary Short: Heroin(e)
Film Editing: I, Tonya
Foreign Language: On Body and Soul and The Insult, tied.
Make Up & Hair: Darkest Hour
Music, Score: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Music, Song: Remember Me, Coco
Best Picture: Get Out
Production Design: The Shape of Water
Short Film, Animated: Lou
Short Film, Live Action: The Eleven O'Clock
Sound Editing: Baby Driver
Sound Mixing: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Visual Effects: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Writing, Adapted: Call Me By Your Name
Writing, Original: The Big Sick

Thank you for reading! Thank you for cheering me on! Happy Oscars!

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Last Batch of Goodness!

Movie: Last Men in Aleppo
Nominated for: Best Documentary
How I watched: Amazon rental, on an iPad, in my kitchen
When I fell asleep: I didn't
Thoughts: Documentaries these days can be so brutally shocking. The things we are able to witness, to see, to live with other people on the other side of the world, it's almost more than I can bear sometimes. I am ashamed of myself, for not being more informed about what has been happening in Syria for so long. For knowing as much as I do, and yet carrying on with my life. For being part of a society that simply lets it happen. I also know that this global awareness is still relatively new to us. It is unfathomable. We are wired to deal with the problems in front of us. To help, protect, and support our own families, our own tribes...what do we do about a conflict we can have no control over? Atrocities that are so out of reach? Suffering as far removed from us as it can be? What do we do?  I am sure I can have little effect; I am also sure that at the very least I should sign petitions or write to someone in power. This movie was difficult and depressing and I guess that's what is powerful and compulsory about it.

Movie: Loving Vincent
Nominated for: Animated Feature
How I watched: Amazon Rental
When I fell asleep: About half way in.
Thoughts: This animation is stunning! I just wanted to lay back and let the images wash over me and I had a little trouble staying connected to the story and what was being said. It's the primary tension in the piece: marrying breath taking, vibrant art with a kind of dour and bleak mystery vibe. While the story of how Van Gogh died is interesting, the mystery feels a bit forced because you know they aren't really going to drop new information on you at this point. Once I became acclimated to the beautiful images it was hard to stay invested.

Movie: Marshall
Nominated for: Original Song
How I watched: Amazon Rental
When I fell asleep: Early and often
Thoughts: Look, this week has been tough. I don't get to these movies until 10 or 11pm sometimes, after a full day of meal prep for kids, carpooling, mothering, editing a feature length movie and sometimes writing! So here's what I can say; Chadwick Boseman is a pretty great actor. Josh Gad seemed a strange choice. The production value on this film felt somewhat lacking. I'd like to know more about Thurgood Marshall.

Movie: Victoria and Abdul
Nominated for: Costumes, Make Up & Hair
How I watched: Amazon Rental
When I fell asleep: No! Daytime screening!
Thoughts: This movie was charming! It was so lovely to see a love story between two adults that wasn't a romantic one! I think we ought to have more of those. The acting was great and it was beautiful to watch. A very pleasant final screening.

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Fatigue is Setting in!

You Guys! I am tired! Four more screenings...four more days...I think I can...I think I can...

Movie: Abacus: Small Enough to Jail
Nominated for: Best Documentary
How I watched: Amazon Prime
When I fell asleep: A couple of times in the middle third of the film.
Thoughts: Abacus Bank is "small enough to jail," whereas all of the large Wall Street Banks were "too big to fail". The story was very interesting but as it is about banking and finances, it ended up being a little too dry which made it feel too long.

Movie: All the Money in the World
Nominated for: Acting
When I fell asleep: Which time?
Thoughts: I started the movie once and didn't last ten minutes. My daughter found me sleeping and woke me up, helped me make a cup of tea and restarted the movie for me. I also used my other trick: laundry. I had a whole load of towels and a load of clothes I had been saving for just such a moment. The second time I got through about 40 minutes, I'd guess. As soon as all the laundry was folded, I sat back on the couch and fell asleep. Every once in a while I would wake up and fool myself that I was getting caught up on the plot. I can't really weigh in, other than the 40 minutes I did see was not enough to get me super invested. I wonder if Christopher Plummer got the nomination just as part of the Kevin Spacey backlash, which I'll concede is a pretty baller move by the academy. But I don't want to be unfair to Plummer, since I didn't actually catch much of his performance. I hope he had a character arc; at the beginning he was just a gross shell of a man who prized his extravagant wealth above all else. It's possible that the real J. Paul Getty was never any more than that.

Movie: Live Action Shorts

DeKalb Elementay - Ugh! A movie about a school shooter. I almost wanted to walk out because I just did not want to see this topic. It was a fine; a hopeful piece about how school shooters maybe just need to be seen as human and shown some love. Also, the bravery it takes to be the person to show that love. All the more hopeful, I suppose, because it was based on real events.

The Eleven O'Clock - The standout by far! I really enjoyed this clever and amusing short about mistaken identities.

My Nephew Emmet - Tragic racism in the south in the 1950's. Heart breaking and quiet. So quiet I dozed off a little bit.

The Silent Child - A movie about how hearing families are complete assholes to their deaf family members. This one was trying to champion a great cause but felt like it pushed a little too hard.

Watu Wote (All of Us) - This short was well acted and well put together. The message being that even when you have been deeply wounded, it doesn't help to paint the "other" in too broad of strokes. Here, here!

Monday, February 26, 2018

Less than a week to go!

Movie: Loveless
Nominated for: Foreign Film
How I watched: Movie Pass
When I fell asleep: A lot. Over and over again. I saw maybe 50% of this movie.
Thoughts: Ugh. So sad, so bleak, so Russian. This was basically miserable people, making each other miserable and being self absorbed and cruel. A child becomes the sacrifice in all of this mess. And it snows, in Russia. It was a late showing in a cold theatre and I just couldn't stay awake.

Movie: The Greatest Showman
Nominated for: Original Song
How I watched: Cheap Theatre!
When I fell asleep: I got plenty of sleep during the Russian movie so I was good.

Thoughts: The music was a little cheesy but it still got to me. If I'd watched this on my own, I might have rolled my eyes and said it wasn't that great. But I saw it with my kids and because they loved it, I ended up loving it too. It's got what you need in a musical...big numbers, spectacle and elephants!

Movie: Animated Shorts

Dear Basketball - Dumb. It's Kobe advertising his retirement in a love letter to basketball. But I don't really need to hear from this alleged rapist.

Garden Party - The animation was wow! Beautiful frogs frolic humorously around a possible drug cartel shoot out crime scene. Kinda weird, but gorgeous!

Lou - It's Pixar so it grabs your heart! A bully is healed and reformed by a creature made up of lost and found items.

Negative Space - Moving quiet tale of grief and bonding. The animation is good but ugly? I shouldn't be shallow like that, but there it is.

Revolting Rhymes - Based on Roald Dahl's story. I'm sad to say I dozed off during this fun and interesting reimagining of fairy tales.

Movie: The Insult
Nominated for: Best Foreign Film
How I watched: Movie Pass!
When I fell asleep:  Nope, I was riveted
Thoughts: Ok. I totally pre-judged this movie based on its trailer and was not looking forward to it at all. I was wrong. The movie centers around an incident between a Christian Lebanese man and a Palestinian refugee living in Beirut. One man gets insulted and sets off a long personal and legal battle. But this movie dives deep to really dissect the reasons that we get stuck in struggle with each other as humans, whether as individuals or in groups based on our political, national or religious identities. I was challenged to look at what it means to be a human; how we get hurt, frightened, offended, traumatized or judged unworthy and then cease to operate as our better selves. We rely on anger and a need for vengeance to cover up for our feelings of despair, humiliation, grief and isolation. We focus on our own suffering an forget that everyone hurts; that our pain is never as unique as we'd like to believe. What a thoughtful and well put together film! Impressive.

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Chugging Onward!

Movie: A Fantastic Woman
Nominated for: Foreign Film
How I watched: Movie Pass
When I fell asleep: Early on I suffered a few head nods, but I had to keep my eyes open to read the subtitles!
Thoughts: I don't know what to say about this movie. It was a moving tale about grief and how to get along in the world when you don't fit the prescribed mold. Somehow, it felt like it was missing something. I craved an epiphany or a big payoff of some kind. However, I was really happy to see a transgender story on the screen.

Movie: Roman J. Israel, Esq.
Nominated for: Acting
How I watched: Redbox
When I fell asleep: I started this movie and immediately fell asleep for one hour! I had to get up, make popcorn and restart.
Thoughts: I didn't get this movie. The performance seemed varied and inconsistent; I could never figure out if the main character was weird or impaired or on the spectrum. The character was inconsistent; his choices didn't follow logically for me. The ending was abrupt and contrived. Not my favorite.

Movie: The Florida Project
Nominated for: Acting
When I fell asleep: Not today
Thoughts: This was an essentially plot-less movie that depicted the living conditions of some of Florida's slum-dwellers.  Some performances were notable, Willem Dafoe being really good and one child actor in particular (Brooklyn Price) being outstanding. There were some character reveals that were brilliant. The ending of this movie was a complete puzzler. Just when they had me roped into a really heart breaking moment, they switched into some sort of fantasy sequence that made no sense and then cut to black. I had to go and read an article proclaiming this ending the best ending of any movie in years (exaggerate much?) but they didn't convince me. It may have tried to be that for me, but it fell short.

Thursday, February 22, 2018

The Rest of the Best

Movie:  Call Me By Your Name
Nominated for: Best Picture, Acting, Screenplay, Song 
How I watched: With my friend
When I fell asleep: Daytime viewings are easier!
Thoughts: This movie started seemingly unremarkable and then won me over, which is just perfect, really. The tension builds slowly and beautifully between the two romantic leads. The mundane turns sublime and fraught with emotional conflict. The relationship felt real in a way that I am not used to seeing on film. And just to add depth, you get to watch the subtleties of the parents and how they deal with the life changing event taking place in secret under their noses. At the end I really felt like I had taken a journey and seen some things from new perspectives and was surprised to realize that I had thoroughly enjoyed myself.

Movie: Darkest Hour
Nominated for: Best Picture, Acting, Production Design, Cinematography, Make up and Hair, Costumes
When I fell asleep: Barely dozed, then rallied
Thoughts: This surprised me! I knew Gary Oldman would be terrific (and he was, he seems like a shoe in) but otherwise I expected a straight forward dry biopic. Not so! This movie had some excellent style and direction. Scenes are painted beautifully with light and some very striking images highlight the isolation and conflict faced by Churchill. The scope of the story seemed right to tackle for a two hour movie. Lily James's role provided the film some welcome light comedic moments and a sense of Churchill in his private life. I enjoyed being surprised by this movie.

Movie: The Post
Nominated for: Best Picture, Acting
How I watched: With friends
When I fell asleep: This is a good one! My friend and I kept nodding off right from the start. After 45 minutes of fighting sleep, we decided we needed to stop. I checked the progress bar and we still had 2 hours left! What? We didn't even feel like the movie had started yet! On night 2, we picked up where we left off and the movie finally got started. I probably dozed a few times during night 2 but it wasn't as much of a fight.
Thoughts: Unlike Darkest Hour, this movie did not surprise me. I was worried about another long historical piece from Spielberg and I was right to be. How does it take the film 45 minutes to get started? Why is it so hard to understand the relationship between the two main actors (who are both so damn talented)? This movie was so over directed! There were lots of stylish shots and moving cameras but none of it felt like it was serving the story. Why am I looking at a distorted reflection in a phone for soooo long? It's always a bad sign when I switch from "viewer mode" to "editor mode" and start thinking about ways that I would eliminate some scenes, restructure the film and make it shorter! This was a total miss for me.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

A Mish Mash of Movies!

Movie: The Square
Nominated for: Best Foreign Film
How I watched: Movie Pass!
When I fell asleep: Nope.
Thoughts: Funny, great acting, great social commentary. Thoroughly enjoyable! Foreign films, naturally tend to make the viewer work a little harder. At the end the guy sitting nest to me threw up his hands in exasperation. I know what he meant. It felt abrupt and lacking closure but it left me to ruminate and decide for myself what was really important. The Square seems to ask us how far we need to go in order to get other people's attention. Whether we need help or just have something important to say, how difficult is it in today's noisy fast-paced environment to actually get attention when you need it. I decided I liked this movie a lot; I hope the guy sitting next to me did too.

Movie: Molly's Game
Nominated for: Screenplay
How I watched: In the theatre
When I fell asleep: A couple of head nods, didn't miss much.
Thoughts:  This one is what you expect from Aaron Sorkin without the heft that his stories usually have. It's his first directing effort and it shows. The story is engaging, the acting is great, everyone talks like Aaaron Sorkin but it feels a little less cohesive than usual. I really enjoyed watching it and then completely forgot about it after I left the theatre.

Movie: Logan
Nominated for: Screenplay
How I watched: Theatre, ages ago!
When I fell asleep: Can't recall, but probably.
Thoughts: I don't know what to say about this one. I wasn't a fan of the X Men movies in the first place and this one didn't change all of that for me, but it wasn't awful. I realize that's not a great review but I'm not trying to pan it! I know that the look and feel of this was different and better than the others that take place in this world. I'm sure that was partly writing and partly direction. Other than that, I just saw it too long ago to really remember it well.

Movie: Baby Driver
Nominated for: Editing, Sound Mixing, Sound Editing
How I watched: Redbox
When I fell asleep: I don't think so.
Thoughts: This movie got built up a little too much for me. People were raving over it, which is always a bad way for me to go in. It was cute. That's the best I can do. It's nomination categories make perfect sense. The cutting of the action to match up music and action was ambitious and well done! The characters were broadly drawn and their motivations didn't really line up for me. But it's a good time, I guess.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Three Animated Films

Movie: Boss Baby
Nominated for: Animated Feature
How I watched: In the Theatre
When I fell asleep: I do think I dozed, albeit briefly.
Thoughts: Not my favorite. I had a few laughs but mostly I took the kids so I could sit in the air conditioning when it was hot out. I remember the radio commercials talking about some big twist ending. I was mildly excited to see what that might be, but no dice. The promised twist never came.

Movie: Ferdinand
Nominated for: Animated Feature
How I watched: In the Theatre
When I fell asleep: Sat in the front row, so no!
Thoughts: Here's what I have to say about this movie: I ordered a large bucket of popcorn to share with the kids. Then I asked for a tray. She offered me my free refill of popcorn right then. My mind said no, but my body said yes. The kids shared one giant popcorn and I proceeded to eat 90% of the other one by myself. I love theatre popcorn. I like to tell myself it's not bad for me because I get it without butter. But that afternoon, I gave myself one of the worst stomach aches of my life. I was doubled over in misery! And now I have been forced to stop eating movie theatre popcorn, at least for now. All because of Ferdinand. Curse you, Ferdinand!

The movie? It was fine. Pretty cute, actually.

Movie: Coco
Nominated for: Animated Feature, Original Song
How I watched: In the Theatre
When I fell asleep: No way!
Thoughts: So. Moving. So. Beautiful. This is one of those really special Pixar flicks that really makes you think more deeply about family and destiny and who your heroes really are. It balanced thoughtful and funny and even some intrigue and mystery I didn't see coming. I can't see anything else winning this category.

Sunday, February 11, 2018

A Week of Sick. Bleh.

So my whole family got the flu (yes, we got flu shots). One child got sick on Monday, the second and the husband on Tuesday, and me on Wednesday. Needless to say, I'm falling behind on blogging and reviewing but not watching! I'm still all over this challenge!

Here's what I managed while sick and attending sick people:

Monday -  While my first child settled in and started to get a fever, my friends and I watched Phantom Thread. That evening, once the  kids were in bed, we watched Icarus on Netflix.

Movie: Phantom Thread
Nominated for: Best Picture, Actors, Costumes, Directing, Music
When I fell asleep: Nope
Thoughts: This movie was a trip! Weird and twisted and unique and kept me guessing, for sure. The acting was amazing and the mood was just disturbing enough for my liking. I really enjoyed spending an afternoon with this story!

Movie: Icarus
Nominated for: Best Documentary
How I watched: Netflix
When I fell asleep: I nodded off solidly twice in the second act, but was able to wake up and get back into it.
Thoughts: It was interesting that this doc was planned to be one thing and evolved into a bigger more ground breaking story. However, that same fact made the doc feel long and wandering at times.  I wish fit felt more focused. That being said, this is kind of an incredible look at an international controversy unfolding. 

Tuesday - I watched On Body and Soul in ten minute pieces in between fetching water, medicine and toast for my three sick people!

Movie: On Body and Soul
Nominated for: Best Foreign Film
How I watched: Netflix, ten minutes at a time
When I fell asleep: Too many interruptions for sleep!
Thoughts:  Weird and wonderful! A film about mere acquaintances who find out they are dreaming the same dreams. This looks at what constitutes attraction and connection in humans in some really beautiful ways. Set amongst a gruesome slaughterhouse and with a slight mystery, this movie was captivating and original.

Thursday - After napping through part of the afternoon, I stayed up a little late to watch Strong Island.

Movie: Strong Island
Nominated for: Best Documentary
How I watched: Netflix
When I fell asleep: Once about halfway through, had to rewind to pick up about 15 minutes
Thoughts: What is set up as a crime mystery or statement on racism turns out to be more of an emotional expression of one family's tragic experience. While I don't object to that as an approach to documentary, I was left wanting. Questions were brought up that were never again addressed and the narrative wandered erratically between political, personal, factual and anecdotal. This one didn't capture me in the way I had hoped.

Saturday - While folding laundry and feeling sorry for myself, the kids and I watched Kong: Skull Island.

Movie: Kong: Skull Island
Nominated for: Visual Effects
How I watched: HBO
When I fell asleep: Kong wouldn't allow it
Thoughts: This was fun for an afternoon of being stuck in your house with illness! John C. Reilly is so damn funny he pretty much made the whole movie for me. The action kept a nice pace, the monsters were impressive and the acting was great for what this was. My expectations were set very low and I was pleasantly surprised.

Sunday - Ok, so technically I woke up still feeling achy and sweating profusely. But my thermometer said I was only at 99.5 so I decided to go to the movies anyway. I kept my hands clean and coughed into my elbow, I promise. I watched the Documentary Short Subjects. Here is what I learned from each:

Edith + Eddie: Some people just won't let cute old people live out their lives the way they want.

Heaven is a Traffic Jam on the 405: Mental Illness is heart breaking, it takes a lot of courage to have your story told, and art can be transformative and life saving.

Heroin(e): The city with the biggest problem of drug overdose is working hard to respond to the epidemic by treating addicts as humans that deserve their lives as much as everyone else.

Knife Skills: A high end Cleveland restaurant hires and trains a staff made up entirely of recent prison inmates. I want to go there!

Traffic Stop: It is hard to feel on the side of the police when you see them brutalizing an innocent black American. For me, anyway. I kind of wish we all felt that way.

Here's hoping we all get back to 100% soon!

Friday, February 2, 2018

These Are Some of My Favorites! I Hope You Enjoy!

Movie: Star Wars: The Last Jedi
Nominated for: Music, Sound Mixing, Sound Editing, Visual FX
How I watched: In the theatre! Three times!
When I fell asleep: No way!
Thoughts: So much love for this movie! Incredible writing and incredible vision. How nuts can I be for a scene that brings together to unlikely powerful foes to fight a common enemy? Really nuts! It takes my breath away every time. How much do I love a turn so momentous that the movie goes silent and you can hear the gasps of the audience? It's the greatest! How cool is red dust thrown up against a white landscape? All the cool! Despite its oddities, I am going to continue to love this movie every darn time!

Movie: Get Out
Nominated for: Best Picture, Directing, Actor
How I watched: At the movies! Twice!
When I fell asleep: Never!
Thoughts: This movie is special to me. This move entertained me and terrified me and made me think and made me laugh and made me cheer. This movie felt like it was hitting the exact right note with the exact right tone every single second of its entirety. That is so rare! And I cherish it when it happens for me! How badass to get a horror film noticed by the Academy? It probably makes both the movie and Jordan Peele a long shot to actually win, but I am so glad to see it recognized!

Movie: The Big Sick
Nominated for: Writing
How I watched: In the theatre
When I fell asleep: Not even!
Thoughts: What a treat this film was! You can't get stranger than real life sometimes and that is proved by this amazing rendition of Kumail Nanjiani's real life beginning to romance with his wife. What I loved was how they nail all those cringe-worthy moments, all the awkwardness and all the times that we do not know what to say or do in a given situation. All the acting is wonderful; from the leads and especially from Holly Hunter and Ray Romano! I felt good and I felt good about feeling bad watching this movie!

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Cinematography, Visual Effects and Writing, oh my!

Movie: War for the Planet of the Apes
Nominated for: Visual Effects
How I watched: At home, folding laundry
When I fell asleep: 1 hour and 45 minutes in and sleeping was an improvement for me, definitely
Thoughts: Caesar has a smoldering gaze that is vaguely attractive even though I am not usually attracted to either primates or Andy Serkis. So what gives with that? Aside from that, I cannot get myself to care about chimps and gorillas riding horses and whatnot. This whole series has not worked for me once yet. Perhaps it is because it all started with Franco? (see below)

Movie: The Disaster Artist
Nominated for: Writing
How I watched: Laemmle (Movie Pass!)
When I fell asleep: It was a late show, but I did not sleep
Thoughts: Ugh. I didn't want to see this because I dislike Franco and I dislike the cult following about watching The Room just because someone decided to declare it the worst movie ever made. There are a lot of bad movies people! Calm down. But I honestly thought I would like it if I got over myself and watched it. I was wrong. I found Franco's performance to be pretty amazing and learning a little about this weird human was interesting, but soon after that it just became another fairy tale story about how you can treat people as crappy as you want if you just have money and declare yourself in charge; maybe this a narrative that James Franco finds appealing? I can't tell if we are laughing at Tommy or celebrating his accomplishment but either way the whole Hollywood culture of abuse system was too much on display for me to have any fun watching this movie.

Movie: Blade Runner 2049
Nominated for: Cinematography, Visual Effects
How I watched: In the theatre
When I fell asleep: Every single time I watched the original Blade Runner but not for this movie!
Thoughts: This was such a beautiful exploration of what it means to be human, the pain/struggle of waking up to your true nature, and the difficulty of stepping out of a broken system and redefining your life for yourself. It was very long but gorgeous and moving, all the same.

Movie: Mudbound
Nominated for: Cinematography (First nomination for a female cinematographer!!!) Acting and Writing
How I watched: Netflix and chill
When I fell asleep: My eyes grew heavy but I managed to get through
Thoughts: A bleak and disappointing look at humanity in the south. Mudbound tackles racism, rural life, PTSD and the strength of women in trying to keep their families together. This movie was well-acted and well told, doing a nice job of splitting the narration between multiple characters. 

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Flagship Entry! Four for Best Picture

Movie: Dunkirk
Nominated for: Best Picture, Cinematography, Directing, Editing, Music, Production Design, Sound Editing and Sound Mixing
How I watched: At home, on demand, not ideal for this film
When I fell asleep: Around the 45 minute mark
Thoughts: I could tell the acting was good. The framework they used for setting up the story seemed confusing to me. Not even Tom Hardy could make me care ultimately how this film ended.

Movie: Ladybird
Nominated for: Best Picture, Directing, Acting (Laurie Metcalf, Saoirse Ronan), Writing
How I watched: At the movies, with a friend
When I fell asleep: I didn't! 
Thoughts: This movie ached with truth. Small truth, messy truth, seemingly insignificant truth, painful family truth. It's not a big sweeping movie but it holds you intimately close and you feel like it was time well spent.

Movie: The Shape of Water
Nominated for: Best Picture, Cinematography, Acting (Sally Hawkins, Octavia Spencer), Costume Design, Directing, Editing, Music, Production Design, Sound Editing, Sound Mixing, Writing
How I watched: At the movies, with friends
When I fell asleep: I didn't, but some guy in the theatre did and his snores were enough to make everyone else in the theatre have a good laugh.
Thoughts: Fantastical! Well acted! Satisfying! Beautiful! Unique! It was an all around well made movie and super enjoyable. There was something just barely off about it that kept it from being the greatest movie of the year for me.  The tone was inconsistent? Or it was trying too hard? I don't know why it's not my number one but I don't care because I totally loved watching it!

Movie: Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Nominated for: Best Picture, Acting (Woody Harrelson, Sam Rockwell, Frances McDormand), Editing, Music, Writing
When I fell asleep: Not even for a second!
Thoughts: The performances were amazing and the story-telling was unique. Somehow the characters in this movie managed to be irreverent and edgy, deeply flawed, deeply relatable, funny and both larger than life and completely realistically human. I'm not sure how you balance all of those, but I found it exhilarating and impressive. I was on the edge of my seat to see what would be thrown at me next while feeling a mixture of dread and delight! How much more can you wish for?

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Nomination Day, 2018!

Welcome back to my blog, everyone! 

The 2018 Oscar Nominations are out and the game is afoot! I will attempt to watch every film that is nominated in every category in time for the Oscar broadcast on March 4.

Out of 45 movies nominated in various categories, I have 30 yet to see over the next 42 days.

The full list of nominations can be viewed here.

My first task this morning was to look for Get Out on the list of nominees. So far, Get Out is my favorite film of the year. I just keep waiting for something to topple it from my number one spot and it hasn't happened yet! I am SO HAPPY to see that it is nominated not only for Best Picture, but also for the wonderful direction by Jordan Peele! 

Secondly, I wanted to see how the Academy is doing with underrepresented communities.  People of color make up 20% of the acting nominations. And in writing, 40% of the nominees are either POC or women. Seems like they are trying, maybe, but it's slow and needs more improvement.

So, who got snubbed? Nothing really stands out for me at the moment. I loved Jeremy Renner in Wind River, and enjoyed that movie a lot but I'm not crushed that they got left out. It is weird to see Three Billboards get so many nominations (for Best Picture, 3 actors, editing, music and writing) but not get love for the director. Someone always get left out of that director spot.

I'm always interested to see what are the weirdest movies that I am required to view. Kong: Skull Island is a surprise, as is Boss Baby. But other than that, it's not too appalling; no "50 Shades of anything" nominee this year.

As this Oscar season gets started, I am filled with excitement and trepidation! This year I have the pleasure of pursuing my own film making career and I am thick into the process of editing a feature film for The October People. Which is so great and also means I have much less time than usual.

As such, I will change my review style to reflect the time I have available and how tired I am! Shorter reviews, more movies covered per post. I have decided that each movie will get one shot at grabbing my attention. If I fall asleep, so be it, I'll just move on to the next!

Thank you for joining me on my journey into film insanity...even if you only join me for part of the way, or come along in spirit only. We have 42 days to stuff ourselves on Oscar gold; let's get to it!


Autumn, The Oscar Glutton