Movie: Conclave
Running Time: 2:00
Nominated for: Best Picture, Actor, Supporting Actress, Costumes, Editing, Score, Production Design, Adapted Screenplay
How I watched: AMC
When it had me: Italy! Yay!
When it lost me: Catholicism. Boo.
What systems does it challenge: Politics, Organized religion
This movie left no mark on me whatsoever. It was well made and enjoyable for two hours. It had some intrigue and mystery which I enjoyed but I also couldn't find myself deeply invested in who ends up as the Pope.
Sitting down to write this I am shocked by how many nominations this got for a film that felt so regular, I guess. It is very competently made but surely we need more than competence for right nominations? Then again, I think I'm asking too much. If you need a good distraction on an airplane, go for it. But I'm interested to see if wins anything beyond best in-flight movie.
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