Friday, February 21, 2025

The Six Triple Eight

Movie: The Six Triple Eight

Running Time: 2:07

Nominated for: Original Song

How I watched: Netflix

When it had me: Humiliation of racists

When it lost me: melodrama

What systems does it challenge: Racism, War

The Six Triple Eight is a Tyler Perry movie and I always feel like he is making movies for a very specific set of aunties that have no overlap with me. I just don't get his movies and this started out similarly for me; it was a lot of melodrama about whether a young woman could date who she wanted and worries about throwing away your future and young love vs. old wisdom. 

But this is also a true story of an army unit in WWII of all black women that was given an impossible task (of delivering a massive backlog of mail) in order to watch them fail. And once it got around to the second act and the real meat of the problem that they faced, it started to win me over. I was invested in the action and trusting the performances and film making.

It's only here for a song so it's not the greatest thing I've watched all year but it wasn't the worst thing either!

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