Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Nickel Boys

Movie: Nickel Boys 

Running Time: 2:20

Nominated for: Best Picture, Adapted Screenplay

How I watched: AMC

When it had me: Introduction of characters

When it lost me: around 11:24pm

What systems does it challenge: Racism, Incarceration

I had to see this one late at night so unfortunately I was fighting to stay awake. This is based on a book and filmed in the first person; like a video game where you shoot people but this time you more likely to be shot at.

First person filming took some time to get used to (not much, but it was an adjustment) and then you do spend a lot of time asking yourself why this was chosen. That didn't bother me. I still thought it was a worthy story telling device.

The two main actors are completely compelling and you are rooting for them and knowing that things aren't going to go well the whole time, which is automatic tension in a good way.

The editing is so carefully chosen and story driven, feeding you little clues and glimpses along the way, like bread morsels thrown out for ducks. It felt really special and it's too bad the editor didn't get recognized for this effort instead of Wicked.

I'm not sure how long I fell asleep for. Did I miss only a moment or two? Or was there a really key scene that I slept on that might have deepened the whole experience for me? Only a repeat viewing will tell. I still saw the twist at the end coming (was it supposed to be a twist?) Based on my sleep, I'd say it felt a bit too long.

It's definitely worth your time and feels like it will be completely ignored on Oscar night.

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