Movie: The Apprentice
Running Time: 2:19
Nominated for: Actor, Supporting Actor
How I watched: Prime
When it had me: Right Away
When it lost me: It didn't!
What systems does it challenge: DJT, MAGA
I put off watching this because who wants to watch a movie about Donald Trump? Well, the answer to that is that I want to watch it! And you do too!
I like the style choices from this film maker right from the start. He is nailing a cheesy, classless 80s vibe. In the first scene I sort of felt sorry for DJT and I was ready to turn the movie off but then I realized the film makers were just setting up what a weak and empty person he is, devoid of original thoughts or a personality of his own.
Which brings me to the question, who doesn't want you to watch this film? Donald, himself! He tried to ban this move from being released so you know it is hitting too close to home. What you will get to see if you watch this movie today are dramatizations of the following:
-Fred Trump hating on his son
-Roy Cohn being the puppet master of DJT's entire personality and life
-DJT assaulting his wife
-DJT experiencing erectile dysfunction, a lot
-DJT lying on operating tables while getting liposuction and bald scalp removal (ew, more body horror!)
-and much more humiliation!
Sebastian Stan does a really nice job of playing the monster. He doesn't nail the voice in an uncanny SNL comedian way, but he actually has the exaggerated facial movements and tics down to a tee. He almost humanizes him early on so that you can really watch him turn himself into an unfeeling, disgusting villain by the end. I don't know Roy Cohn as well, but I hear Jeremy Strong has got that bad guy down too.
My favorite tidbit was that DJT didn't do a bunch of coke in the 80s like I thought (if this movie is correct). He was far less cool than that. He was simply unknowingly taking amphetamines because his doctor said they were diet pills and he was worried about his weight.
I think we should all play this movie on repeat whenever we aren't actively watching TV. It is straight up humiliating for the Commander-In-Chief. Do you know how angry it would make the president that we are all watching it all the time? Who's with me???
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