Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Two More Docs - Virunga and Last Days in Vietnam

Virunga is about the ongoing war in the Congo that threatens Virunga National Park and the gorilla sanctuary contained therein. This park and its wildlife are protected by Park Rangers who face the cruelty of poachers, unstable political conditions, constant civil war and most recently a British company that seeks to explore for oil rights inside the Park. These "rangers" don't seem to be military trained any more than the camp hosts who take care of fees when I camp every summer, but they are out there fighting to preserve the environment and the animals that they care so much about. Dammit, Africa! You have so many problems that are so hard for me to grasp from my couch here in Southern California. Your people have it hard! This story was compelling and disturbing.

Last Days of Vietnam detailed the evacuation of Americans and South Vietnamese from Saigon as the Communist army took control of the country. I didn't realize that Nixon's exit from office essentially gave the Northern Vietnamese army the go ahead to break its agreements with America and invade Southern Vietnam. Add to that an Ambassador who refused to allow the planning and implementation of a large scale evacuation and you've got a real mess. This is a well supported documentary, not only with photos but with tons of archival movie footage from the era to back up the stories that the interviewees tell. Time and again the subjects recount the heartbreak of leaving people behind to uncertain or certainly dire fates. And time and again you find out that so many people followed their hearts and did what they felt was right, not what they were ordered to do or what was considered legal. In the midst of war, it is at least gratifying to see so many people driven to do good.

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