Look how dreamy! It reminds me of a renaissance painting.
Movie: Io Capitano
Running Times: 2:02
Nominated for: International Feature
How I watched: Landmark
When it had me: The two lead actors
When it lost me: Hard to watch at times, but no
What systems does it challenge: Human trafficking, Human smuggling
Io Capitano is an Italian film about two Senegalese teens with a dream to emigrate to Europe and become famous musicians. These two actors playing 16 year old boys are so good in their roles! You squirm watching their naievete and audacious undertaking because you know more than they do. You know the perils that they haven't even begun to comprehend and yet you never blame them for it. They never seem stupid or trivial in their approach; just so innocent and sweet that it hurts.
There are moments of magical realism used as dream sequences when the going gets particularly rough for the boys. I thought these aspects were gorgeous and enhanced the storytelling so well that I wanted a little more of that introduced. It only happens twice and that felt a little light.
The challenges just keep coming at these characters and the tension runs high. I was tired after watching it; I needed to stretch, relax my muscles and breathe. I hadn't realized the extent of the visceral reaction that their journey evoked in me until I made it through. A great movie!
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