Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Triple Play: Nimona, Elemental and Robot Dreams

They are happy. Leave them alone.

Movie: Nimona

Running Times: 1:38

Nominated for: Animated Feature

How I watched: Netflix

When it had me: LGBTQ+ themes!

When it lost me: It did not

What systems does it challenge: Classism, homophobia

Nimona is a paranormal entity that is neither inherently good nor evil (why can't I find a word for that?) that shape shifts, defies labels and loves mischief and mayhem. What's not to love? This differentiates itself from the usual Disney fare by unabashedly including major characters who are gay and taking on trans issues through the allegory of the shape shifter. 

It's also just really fun to watch a duo where one person wants to follow the rules and the other is constantly on the verge of blowing everything up. Especially when the chaotic personality of the two has the ability to shape shift with both spectacular and disastrous results.

This movies had great voice actors, stunning visuals and most importantly heart.



Movie: Elemental

Running Times: 1:42

Nominated for: Animated Feature

How I watched: Disney+

When it had me: I don't recall

When it lost me: I can't remember

What systems does it challenge: I'm unsure

Those last three prompts started to sound like a Senate hearing! Sorry. It has been a while since I saw this and I don't think it felt that memorable even at the time. Each year the Disney offering looks less and less appealing. Is it because the quality is dropping off? Is it because my kids are watching grown up entertainment and so I'm not trying to make these movies work for us anymore? 

Elemental feels like Zootopia in world building but it didn't feel like it nailed that as well. It was a mash up of plot lines that felt like well worn, or possibly worn out tropes.

There was a Romeo and Juliet vein although given the fact that the two lovebirds were constantly threatening to accidentally end each others' existence, we thought maybe at the very least there should be more caution involved in the relationship.

There was also a Kung Fu Panda vibe; the child that doesn't want to continue the family business. (I felt like there were a million movies that follow this trope and then found it surprisingly difficult to come up with examples). It makes sense to want to retire and pass your business along but why even bother forcing someone to live a life for you? It's not that it isn't a relevant experience for many people, we just know it will resolve so there isn't that much tension in it.

All in all, it felt a little all over the place and unsatisfying, even though I do remember moments that were enjoyable. It just didn't hold any surprises.



Movie: Robot Dreams

Running Times: 1:42

Nominated for: Animated Feature

How I watched: Laemmle

When it had me: Dog + Robot = Joy

When it lost me: I got a little antsy 3/4ths through (I notice that I say this a lot. So many scripts give you that pause to take a breath right before the final push ((I bet there's an official term for that which I should know because of my fancy Master's Degree)) and I have no freaking patience at all! Where is J.J. Abrams when I need him?)  (((Am I thinking of falling action? Maybe.)))

What systems does it challenge: none

This film was almost devastating to me. Ask anyone who has ever had to listen to me talk about The Fox and the Hound and they can tell you that the one story arc I cannot handle is friends who don't get to be friends anymore. I can handle love that fades but not a friendship that ends before its time.

Robot Dreams is about a silly and lonely dog who need a friend and so orders a robot. They are in perfect sync and experience life changing joy. The end.

Ok. There might have been more but do we have to talk about it? There are several dream sequences as the title suggests and the third one is by far the most show-stopping and inventive from an animation perspective. The style is bright and cozy and fun.


Ugh, fine. There are obstacles to the friendship which cannot be overcome and they are separated. One needs to be rebuilt and the other experience deep dissatisfaction even while trying to get on and slowly they move on without each other. They find new places to be that are just fine but can't really match the joy they once shared. It sucks but it showed me that there is more than just regret and grief. Yes, I thought about my own life; friendships that I have lost or am losing. You never really know why someone can no longer reach you but if you can keep moving forward without blame then I guess you can be ok again.

My parents made me go to the bathroom and pull myself together after The Fox and the Hound. Just like Pedro Pascal's dad did during Platoon. But mine was during a Disney cartoon about cute animals. I think they nearly got me a therapist that day and that was in the 80s! I think I need a hug.




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