Monday, February 18, 2013

Partial Prometheus

What a fascinating topic for a movie, right?  Discovering the aliens that seeded our planet and somehow unraveling the mystery of their demise?  AND it's connected to Alien?  Great!  I'll just fall asleep during that movie then.  Not only because it is dark and quiet and slow to progress but also because Ridley Scott somehow doesn't want you to know for sure about anything that is happening during the film.

Listen, I don't mean to be so American about movie watching and seethe so about ambiguity and open ended plot devices, its just that I have a hell of a lot of movies to watch right now and I don't have time for re-watching and admiring this amazing gift for nuance.  IF that is what is happening.  I love a layered movie that I can continue to enjoy and make greater discoveries about on subsequent viewings.  I even love some  films that leave me with a "what the hell" feeling such that I become intrigued enough to follow up and try to unravel the mystery.

Prometheus felt like neither one to me.  It just felt like a lot of hard work.  I read several blogs and websites after trying to watch it to figure out what I had missed.  Many of them told me that the film is only fully understood and enjoyed by spending hours hashing it out in conversation with other scifi fanatics.  Oh?  I need to return to my twenties to enjoy this?  I'll skip it, then.  Another site revealed (if this is true) that Ridley Scott shot scenes that answer all of the questions that would make this a much easier film to ingest and then cut them out of the movie and put them on the DVD version.  I guess I watched the wrong version.

I will give this movie another try in the future, but I do resent the extra effort it requires.  The VFX were just fine.

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