Saturday, February 18, 2017


Breaking News: Sully is a film about Aaron Eckhart's fake mustache. And frankly, I need to know more. Did the mustache help land the plane? Has the mustache been properly vetted by the TSA? Does this mustache have an agent, or what???

The Good News: Sully starts right off with the airplane already disabled and the pilot, Chesley Sullenberger already making critical assessments. I'm so grateful we didn't begin with some "normal morning" scenario trying to build false suspense to a plane crash (er, uh...forced landing) that we all already know about. 

Tom Hanks is an excellent actor, obviously. 

It is somewhat interesting that Sully was worried about his job and reputation in the week that followed his landing on the Hudson, while all of us at home already considered him a hero. That held my attention for about five to ten minutes.

The Bad news: This movie was pretty boring. It takes place entirely in crappy hotel rooms, crappy hotel meeting rooms and on long phone calls between Sully and his wife where they talk about the finances. I wish I was making this up!

The color palette of the whole thing looked like slightly graying cottage cheese or old faded mustard stains. Not appealing to the eyes at all! You had endless swatches to choose from, Clint Eastwood, and these are the ones you picked? I'm confident that your choice was deliberate, it just wasn't effective or pleasing.

This was nominated for sound editing. I apologize to the sound editors, I couldn't really focus on their work, which may have been quite good? I can't really think of much sound other than plane engines, so, yeah, I don't know.

My friend took issue with the fact that no one ever spoke to Sully without saying his name, sometimes twice! Go ahead, I dare you! If you watch the movie, start counting how often they say his name. You'll be able to think of nothing else.

However, I don't really recommend it.

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