Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Lobster

I don't even know if I can review this one.

I admire the ambition of creating some truly bizarre alternate universe like they did in The Lobster. I'm super intrigued by the unique-ness of a mind that can invent something so out there.

However, I straight up fell asleep trying to watch this movie. I pretty much exist in a state of always tired, so that's not optimal for some movie viewing. I readily admit that. Perhaps in my younger years this film would have had a chance?

I know there was a hotel for finding a mate and some hunting expeditions and another world within the world of people in the forest with different rules than the people at the hotel. Then there was some city excursion to make something happen? I just couldn't get a strong enough hook into what in the Sam Hill was happening before sleep came and claimed me. I was so confused by what I did see that the idea of trying again sort of exhausts me now.

But I'm willing to bet it is a thought provoking movie if you can keep your brain turned on, that is.

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