Friday, March 26, 2021

Pieces of a Woman

Movie: Pieces of a Woman
Nominated for: Actress in a Leading Role
How I watched: Netflix
When I fell asleep: No
When it had me: Did it, though?
When it lost me: Oh boy.
What I have to say: 

I didn't love this movie. In lieu of a review, I wrote my reactions as I watched, so it's full of spoilers. Do with it what you will!

My real time reactions to the viewing:

I said I would not watch this film unless I absolutely needed to. BUT, demolition is beginning on my house right now and I need a distraction! I know this is a movie about a woman's childbirth going horribly wrong and I am weary of emotional manipulation. There is a certain distance I prefer from emotionally wrecking material and not all film makers choose to respect that distance. Some make me feel like they are dragging me through the mud in unkind ways and I choose to pass on those films whenever possible.

So let's get started. Day 1:

-First off, Shia Labeouf? Oh no! This seems like a bad omen.

-Oh, ok. We are beginning right at the start of the home birth contractions. Am I actually going to have to watch an entire birth? I'd really rather not.

-Why is nothing set up for the planned home birth? She just sunk to the floor next to the fireplace for a pelvic exam. Is this how they do it? When did they last mop? I am so uncomfortable!

-Doula can't make it; they are stuck with the assistant to the doula. I already know this is going to go bad, can we skip ahead?

-Do you get in the bathtub at home after your water breaks? It's not clear any of this is accurate. Also? These people don't seem to know that much about birth for choosing to do this at home.

-Wait! Everything is fine! it isn't.

-Ok, at this point I made it to the Opening Title and my kids finished zoom school so I get a reprieve from this movie! Whew!

Day 2: 

-I watched 20 more minutes of the film. I am going along kicking and screaming. Their lives are all torn up by losing the baby. Yes, of course. Why am I watching, Kornel? I don't want to simply watch a family fall apart form this loss. Will you elevate this experience in some way? Consider me a hostile viewer. It's not worth it to me if you only want to make me feel pain.

Day 3: 

-Alright, the woman seems to be trying to re-identify herself within the world and she can't do it by being around the people who knew her before (her husband and mother) because they are too busy telling her who she should be. The man is coping through revenge on the midwife, substance abuse and his genitalia. He gets real rape-y with his wife presumably because she isn't doing enough to process his emotions for him. Ugh. She might be aware that he is using again but seems like she wants him to handle that because she has a lot of her own stuff to work through. Then the guy turns his needs to their lawyer in the trial, who happens to be his wife's cousin. This guy was going to be a terrible dad anyway; if there is any silver lining it's that she is free of any shackles to him from here on out. Let's hope I finish this movie in my next sitting.

Day 4: 

-The movie got interesting today with a scene between mother and daughter. The mom who has been trying to control her daughter's reaction to the loss of the baby finally lets fly with her own story. How her own mother struggled to keep her alive as an infant in the midst of a holocaust. Basically, bringing children into the world is a brutal and often traumatic business and it always falls to women to handle the crises and the aftermath. It's not that the father of the baby isn't grieving, but there is so much more burden on a mother by design. That scene was interesting. Also, I think the whole point of this film is that life is better without Shia LaBeouf.

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