Friday, January 25, 2013

I Don't Like Leaving My Bathtub Either

And in the Frozen River/Winter's Bone position this year we have Beasts of the Southern Wild, that Oscar slot reserved for movies about parts of the United States where you didn't know how hard it is to survive/live normally/stay afloat.  This time we are in the Bathtub, a terrible (wonderful?) place to be imprisoned, a womb of both magic and rock-bottom despair.

Who could watch this movie and not love the five or six year old with the unpronouncable name?  She was fierce and engaged and she terrified us while giving us hope.  The imagery of the film was at once bleak and inspiring.  The symbolism was powerful, the pacing tight and efficient.  This movie has stayed with me for a couple of days after, which I love.  I'm surprised to say I firmly believe it belongs in this category.

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