Sunday, January 13, 2013

I'm Afraid of Tigers

I read Life of Pi years ago and think the movie served it well.  This is a visual stunner though I'm sure I'm not the first to tell you that.  This a great journey to take, a great character to accompany and a great place to end up.  This movie left me with a powerful reminder that we are the creators of our own personal story; a perspective much more satisfying than the feeling that life just happens to us.

But I couldn't get over that freaking tiger!  I jumped a foot out of my seat every blasted time he was on the screen.  Seriously, it was getting embarrassing.  I had no idea so many people in society (i.e., film goers) were so nonchalant about tigers.  It is clear that they felt I was "screaming too much" or "grossly over-reacting" but, come on people!  We have instincts for a reason.  Tigers are supposed to be scary.

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