Wednesday, January 9, 2013

You Know What I'm Good At?

Overdoing things!

I like movies, so I should watch the Oscars, right?  YES!  I like watching the Oscars, so I should see the movies, right?  ABSOLUTELY!  So here is what I'm going to do:

Watch.  Them.  All.

"What?" you say, "All ten nominees for Best Picture?  That's cool."

NO!  All the nominees in every stinking category (technical awards night excluded...for now.)

It usually amounts to between 150 and 200 nominations.  I've come close the last two years to getting all of them, but often there are foreign titles that are not available in the U.S. (or, you know, Pasadena, where I live.)  This is probably not a herculean task for the average cinephile, but in the years that have elapsed between me and my film school days I've started a little side project called motherhood.  Gone are the days of my once weekly movie outing and the ability to leave the house without hiring someone.  However, once a year, I indulge in a little OCD fest of Academy Award consumption.

The nominations are announced tomorrow morning.  I can't wait to pour over the list and cross off the ones I've already seen.  Then I'll scour Netflix and Amazon Prime to see which titles I can pick up there.  And then it's off to the movies!

Care to join me?

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