Sunday, February 21, 2016

Live Action Shorts

Live Action Shorts

Ave Maria - This had quirk and humor, but it felt unfocused.

Shok- I am in love with this short film and it's excellent story telling! This is about two Albanian boys who are friends during a heated time between Serbs and Kosovars. Every scene mattered and weighed into what followed. Tension was built incredibly well and the emotional impact of the story's climax was presented subtly and beautifully. I was allowed to watch what happened and feel what I needed to feel; I was force fed nothing. Excellent!

Everything Will Be Ok - This short had some wonderful tension and acting throughout. However, a muddled climax left me feeling confused and unsatisfied by the resolution.

Stutterer - This short was very moving and eye-opening. It follows the struggles of a protagonist with a severe stutter. We get a glimpse into the frustration and loneliness of a funny, observant, intelligent person who just can't communicate his personality to the world (or anything at all to his cable company). It is a satisfying watch.

Day One - Shok was so alarmingly subtle that this film felt clumsy and almost manipulative. The plot points for the film (which in fairness, were based on true events) felt too unrealistic to accept and I felt like they tried too hard to tell me how to feel. This was interesting but it lacked finesse just enough that it was hard for me to buy in.

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