Sunday, February 12, 2023


Movie: Close

Nominated for: Best International Film

How I watched: AMC

When I fell asleep: my eyelids grew heavy in the third act

When it had me: beautiful french country side

When it lost me: sports!

What systems does it challenge: Patriarchy

Content Warning: Homophobia, Self Harm

This movie is about a sweet relationship between two teen boys, gone wrong. It's a sad movie and it's not very long. It is very slow and ponderous and it doesn't state much of anything outright. It just leaves you to think about the relationships. I like this about International films, for sure, but the spareness of this one gave me so much time to think, I started thinking about to do lists instead.

For some reason we spent a lot of time watching one kid play sports. Like, a lot of time. I grew impatient with it.

This sort of felt like a short film that was stretched out as far as it could go. The imagery was beautiful and much care was taken with the emotional threads, but in the end it fell a bit short for me.

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