Saturday, February 18, 2023

Fire of Love

Movie: Fire of Love

Nominated for: Best Documentary

How I watched: Disney+

When I fell asleep: nah

When it had me: great style!

When it lost me: not really

What systems does it challenge: Traditional Living

Content Warning: some animal and human harm

This documentary had a great style and pacing! I was really blown away by what the team that made this accomplished because it really felt like a team effort. I could see the hours of pulling footage for just the right moments, hours of tracking down stock footage to fill in as needed, hours of aligning images, animating footage, editing, editing, editing! Wow!

There was the most beautifully animated moment. It showed that the couple grew up close to each other and said, "Both were dreaming while the plates beneath them shifted imperceptibly." (It was something like that, I'm quoting from memory.) You saw a sort of cartoon image of their homes, in a quiet town and all of the layers of the earth in motion. It was the single most romantic and remarkable line of almost any movie I have seen this year.

It has quirk, great footage and a unique story, excellently presented. Great film! 

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