Thursday, April 1, 2021


Movie: Emma
Nominated for: Costume Design, Make Up & Haristyling
How I watched: HBOMax
When I fell asleep: Didn't
When it had me: I was lightly invested
When it lost me: I don't think it did
What I have to say: 

What I enjoyed most was watching this with my Marvel obsessed teen. My child is very story savvy and is always able to guess where a movie is headed before it gets there; it's a little annoying. However, my kid has NO knowledge of the romance related genres. So I was highly amused by their constant struggle to see where the story was going and how it would end up. To me, the romance is always the easiest to predict, but it really had them guessing.

This movie was light, enjoyable, beautiful to look at and competently made. This is one I wish I had been able to see at the Arclight Theatre. I specifically remember that the trailer of this film looked WAY better there than anywhere else...back in the part of 2020 where I was still going to theatres...sigh.

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